THE NEW YORKER | THE TALK OF THE TOWNNot my finest moment and not the best choice of words, but there you have it.
Issue of 2005-04-04 | Posted 2005-03-28
Life is, like, so unfair sometimes. Case in point: Alexis Swerdloff and her friends Laura Perciasepe, Avni Bhatia, and Anna Arkin-Gallagher, a quartet of eye-on-the-main-chance nouvelles Yale graduates who late last summer set up housekeeping in the East Village, in a four-bedroom apartment that they really, really liked, but then realized that they liked a lot less when, not long after they moved in, all were viciously assaulted by bedbugs. . . .
The roommates considered starting a bedbug Web log, then discovered that one already existed, the handiwork of a young woman, a recovering bedbug victim, who seemed to have been even more aggrieved than they were. (“Please bear with me. I need to do this. Fuck you, you fucking motherfucker! You have been sucking my blood and irritating my skin for fucking months now! I fucking hate you! You crawl into my bed, into my shirt, up my pants, and fucking bite me! ... Prepare to meet your maker, motherfucker! The Exterminator is finally coming, oh yes, he is coming!”)
For better or worse, my name will never be attached to all those dirty, dirty words.
*F-Bomb Factory: Bite Me!
*The Whole Disgusting Tale: Bed Bug Diaries
*Thank you Deb!